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Why is daily physical activity for pupils important and should we care?

The impact of daily exercise on positive physical and mental wellbeing has been known for decades, but the challenge during a pandemic in a world of fast food and sedentary screentime has never been greater. One-third of children are overweight or obese by the time they leave primary school

myphizz meets the objectives of the School Sport and Activity Action Plan (July 2019) and is a key tool to ensuring systems and strategies are sustainable and a collaboratively enjoyable experience.

The DfEs School Sport and Activity Action Plan had three overarching ambitions that match perfectly with ours here at myphizz:

1. All children and young people take part in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
2. Children and young people have the opportunity to realise developmental, character-building experiences through sport, competition and active pursuits.
3. All sport and physical activity provision for children and young people is designed around the principles of physical literacy, focuses on fun and enjoyment and aims to reach the least active.

We were struck by the dedication of PE teachers in particular, at the AfPE ( Annual Conference 2021 and hope to work even closer with them in the coming years.

However, we also agree with the Action Plan in noting that schools should not look to PE lessons alone to provide physical activities and motivation, ‘but should explore options like lunchtime sports clubs, innovative activities such as active miles, and building in activity to classroom lessons. The journey to school also provides an opportunity to increase physical activity through cycling and walking. By making sport and exercise an integral part of pupils’ daily routines, schools can increase the amount of time children spend being active, boosting their physical health, mental wellbeing, character and resilience.’

The EEFs study on Physical Activity acknowledged the impact on health, wellbeing and physical development. It focussed however on the link between physical activity and academic performance. It concluded, with strong evidence, that there is a positive impact on academic achievement, pupil attendance and retention and all at a relatively low cost.

Myphizz is growing quickly to support teachers and schools trying to improve the health of their pupils and has been referenced extensively in the media in the last few months. You can read more in articles in the TES, The Daily Telegraph, Primary Times, Association for Physical Education, NAPE, The Primary First Trust and The Educator UK….

BUT we’d love you to simply get involved. Find out more here


About myphizz

Built by four teachers, turned entrepreneurs, myphizz is an exciting new platform to support schools in improving the mental and physical wellbeing of pupils.

The app encourages children to engage in a more active, healthier and happier lifestyle, providing the opportunity for them to take part in physical activities that they enjoy and set exciting challenges for one another.

The technology, which runs through secure schools networks and is only visible to school communities, can be accessed via PC, tablets or mobile phones. Teachers have access to a dashboard where they can view pupil activity, determine what is becoming popular and monitor the school growing healthier as a community.

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