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Happy New Year!

As co-founders of myphizz, one of the best parts of our jobs is hearing about the amazing activities pupils are creating and the reaction of their friends. We set out last year, at the start of the pandemic, to create a fun, innovative and exciting approach to engaging a community of youngsters to take more control of their health and wellbeing. Complete inclusivity for every child so they feel they belong to a school group and can enjoy a life with greater levels of fun and adventure at its core. It’s still early days but the reaction is amazing and so worthwhile.

We really appreciate you telling your colleagues and friends about myphizz over the last year and there is a real sense the excitement is spreading. That’s a testament to how we motivate one another and to the power of physical activity to unite us when there are so many pressures and reasons to isolate ourselves.

The joy and resilience told through your activities, the encouragement inspired by entering and sharing phizzes, and the efforts of teachers to overcome adversity is making the world a better place.

Myphizz complements a wide range of organisations launching new and innovative approaches to getting young people active. We hope myphizz becomes a useful tool to support these inspirational programmes, like Girls Active and National Schools Sports Week, This Girl Can, Active Lives and the many Cycling and Walking Strategies used by schools over the last year.

How can you help keep this going? Simply by telling your teacher friends and colleagues about myphizz and the impact it’s having, and downloading our lesson plans to keep the phizzes going. Every phizz and entry counts!

No matter what 2022 brings, we are determined to support you. We wake up every day eager to make myphizz better because we know it makes a difference. We’re especially thankful to our schools and the teachers in them – you make all this possible, ensuring our growth and allowing us to keep investing in the future of myphizz.

Wishing you and yours a healthy and active 2022.

Happy New Year!


About myphizz

Built by four teachers, turned entrepreneurs, myphizz is an exciting new platform to support schools in improving the mental and physical wellbeing of pupils.

The app encourages children to engage in a more active, healthier and happier lifestyle, providing the opportunity for them to take part in physical activities that they enjoy and set exciting challenges for one another.

The technology, which runs through secure schools networks and is only visible to school communities, can be accessed via PC, tablets or mobile phones. Teachers have access to a dashboard where they can view pupil activity, determine what is becoming popular and monitor the school growing healthier as a community.

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