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Bishop Hedley Case Study - Getting started with myphizz

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Healthy Competition and mass participation at Bishop Hedley School – a refreshing approach to pupil health and wellbeing…

Physical activity and well-being app, myphizz, is making great strides in bridging the gap between school and home ensuring young people are staying active. Healthy body, healthy mind. One of the growing number of schools enjoying the benefits of myphizz is Bishop Hedley Catholic High School in Merthyr Tydfil.

Adrian Davies, teacher and fitness enthusiast at Bishop Hedley school in Merthyr, recently shared his thoughts with us. “We needed a way to get kids moving again, they’ve been static for too long.” Luckily for Adrian myphizz has been the perfect tool to encourage their pupils to engage in some healthy competition. “We have already seen pupils engaging with ‘phizzes’ which are fitness challenges set from the app and have even noticed pupils starting to set their own challenges. Young people are very competitive, especially with teachers, and having phizzes set by teachers is a great way to get pupils motivated to exercise.”

The latest Ofsted Annual Report notes: “For many, the loss of education, disrupted routine and lack of physical and other activities led to physical and mental health problems. Loneliness, boredom and misery became endemic among the young.” This is a tough cycle to break but certainly something that needs to be addressed urgently. We asked Adrian what his thoughts were around introducing the pupils at Bishop Hedley to the app; “In secondary schools we need to be innovative and encourage pupils to engage and take part in group challenges. As myphizz is accessed directly from a PC or device, it has proved to be a great tactic to drive engagement with PE via a channel they are comfortable with.” For more information about how your school could join the myphizz community please contact us

Anthony McBride, co-founder of myphizz, said: “By drawing on the expertise of schools, myphizz has been built to give pupils control over their own physical activity, whilst contributing towards the national curriculum’s physical education objectives. We’re absolutely thrilled that Bishop Hedley is seeing the benefits first hand of myphizz. With schools still being impacted by the pandemic and children potentially missing out on physical activity whilst isolating at home, myphizz provides a way for schools to continue communicating and engaging pupils in exercise whilst not in a school setting.”


About myphizz

Built by four teachers, turned entrepreneurs, myphizz is an exciting new platform to support schools in improving the mental and physical wellbeing of pupils.

The app encourages children to engage in a more active, healthier and happier lifestyle, providing the opportunity for them to take part in physical activities that they enjoy and set exciting challenges for one another.

The technology, which runs through secure schools networks and is only visible to school communities, can be accessed via PC, tablets or mobile phones. Teachers have access to a dashboard where they can view pupil activity, determine what is becoming popular and monitor the school growing healthier as a community.

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